Both dogs very happy to see Sven and happier to go home... Rose, Weston, 10 yrs sees him regularly after an accident to avoid future problems. Iris, teckle, 6 yrs need maintenance ever so often due to her hectic life running around the garden all day, everyday. it’s better in the long run to let Sven do his magic, dogs are no different from humans, you pull a muscle every once in a while.
Malin D,
am 11. Juni 2020
L'accueil les soins tout est vraiment parfait ! Un personnel a l'écoute et formidable je recommande vivement
Amine A,
am 07. Juni 2020
Very well
Eduardo B,
am 04. Juni 2020
Andrei F,
am 03. Juni 2020
Mon bouledogue francais N,
am 03. Juni 2020
Impeccable c'est toujours très agréable de constater un bien être total après une remise en place. Merci Sven